This afternoon I was in a toy store looking for a gift for a birthday party my son is going to attend this weekend. I am just starting to discover this uncharted territory of never ending fun. Until the last few months I felt like I haven’t really bought him any toys, either were gifts, hand me downs or just something small that I didn’t really consider a big deal to buy it for him. But as he is getting older like all toddlers, and his abilities increasing exponentially I have the impression I have to start thinking more about “toys”. And speaking of his increasing abilities, yesterday he astonished me with how smart he is and I didn’t even know it. The puzzle we were working on or had just dumped upside down was the numbers 0 to 9. He knew them all, I would say where does the 2 go, for example, he would just grab the 2 off the floor and place it in the right spot. I had yet to notice he could recognize the shape of all the numbers. I guess this is one of those things: you learn as you go/first time parent.
Back to the toy store, as I wondered the aisles I lost track of time. Who would have thought that an adult could spend so much time looking at toys on shelves? I don’t know if it was the nostalgia of when I was child and the toys I adored or to take in all there is that a child can or could play with. All I know is that I fully enjoyed it, and that being possible because he didn’t get to come with. It is amazing how quick and at such a young age, under 2, that toddlers fall in love with toy stores. My son is usually pretty good; we have yet to have any crying fits or screaming. Although to get him to leave the store or even make it toward the checkout is quite the task! He is a lucky guy today; Mommy couldn’t make up her mind!! So when he comes home from daycare this evening, he is going to be a very happy little man! He has to choose what to play with first a tea set (well more just plates, cups and silverware), a doctor’s kit or his new little boy size umbrella (an object he has been asking me for for a while now.) This is what I love about having a child, you get to help them along the way of life discovery even with the simplest things. Like my rationale for purchasing the doctor’s kit was so that he will stop freaking out (yelling, “no no, not here”) when we just pull in the same parking lot the doctor’s office is in or tea set so that he can be just like Mommy and Papa.